Oak Docs

Using Oak

There are three main functions of oak. Strapping, extending and exposing.


A strap is a collection of objects that will run against a function. You can strap anything. Think of it as an awesome array.

To strap you call the oak strap function. Any arguments will be added to the strap.

    var numbers = ["zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five"];
    // Expose a strap function
        stringify: function (strap) {
            return strap.each(function (item) {
                if (oak.isNumber(item)) {
                    return numbers[item];
                return item;
    // Return ["one", "two" "three", "four", "five"]
    var stringified = oak.strap(1, "two", 3, "four", 5);


Extending can be used for creating an options list and even extending a prototype.

// Extending and options list
function setup(opts) {
        font: "Helvetica",
        fontSize: 12,
        color: "#FFF"
    }, opts);

    fontSize: 24
// Extending prototype
oak.extend(Array.prototype, {
    customSort: function () {
        // Do something


Exposing attaches functions to the strap prototype. The first argument of a strap function will always be the strap. Also, you should return the strap whenever possible so your function calls can cascade.

    scale: function (strap, scale) {
        return strap.css("transform", "scale(" + scale + ")");
    backgroundColor: function (strap, color) {
        return strap.css("backgroundColor", color;
