Below is a full list of oak supported packages and a breif description of each.
oak-ajax: A lightweight package for making ajax calls.
oak-canvas: A radical package for manipulating items using canvas. It includes a rendering engine that allows you to render multiple canvases at once. It also supports retina, mouse events, tap events and handles a lot of complex calculations for global coordinates and visibility rendering.
oak-dom: A package for strapping and manipulating straps of DOM elements. It contains convenient functions for walking the DOM, altering css, injecting HTML and so forth.
oak-filter: Canvas filters for adjusting brightness, contrast, grayscale, saturation and sepia levels.
oak-fmt: Common string formating functions.
oak-inherit: Class level inheritance.
oak-router: A push state router with hash fallback support.
oak-sound: Oak sound package.
oak-support: HTML5 and CSS Feature detecion.
oak-swipe: Gesture recognition package.
oak-tween: A package for tweening object properties.
oak-transition: A css transition package for javascript.
oak-utils: Common utility functions like array sorting, hex to RGB, radians to degrees, etc.